Segmentation of integrated passive devices market by base includes silicon and non-silicon. Segmentation by product includes baluns, couplers, duplexers and harmonic filters. Segmentation of integrated passive devices market by type includes ESD, EMI and RF-IPD. Segmentation by application includes data converters, EMI/RFI Filtering and LED Lighting. By region, integrated passive devices market includes North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, MEA, and Latin America.
Integrated passive devices market by RF-ID segment leads market share owing to growth in market for miniaturized components/compact consumer electronics devices such as smart phones, tablets and wearable's. RF components or modules better known as MODEMS holds the crux to system and miniaturization is better achieved with integrated passive system devices over traditional devices. Baluns occupy foremost place in integrated passive devices market share owing to its enhanced use in diverse applications using IPD's. Integrated passive devices market by Baluns segment is moving market rankings by the preference to baluns with personalized filters.
By regions, MEA witnesses rapid growth in IPD market in being early adopters to technological changes. Powerful presence of smart phones, tablets and wearable's in these regions are significant reasons promoting market growth in IPD market. Key drivers to the IPD market include rising consumption of IPD devices in industrial markets coupled with integration of IPD devices for RF applications.
As per news, a confirmed route to avoiding interconnection complexities and reducing footprint, silicon-based passive integration of RLC components at silicon wafer-level is the solution. With many major players competing with one another in this market and RF design chips offering a complete turnkey solution to be comprehensively included in SIP package. Key industries in IPD market include On Semiconductor, Stats ChipPac, ST Microelectronics, Murata-IPDIA, Joahnson Technology, Onchip devices, AFSC, and Infineon Technologies.